Celebrate a Successful Walk for the Kitties 2023.

A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Amazing Supporters!

Join Us in Continuing the Fundraising Journey and Auction for a Chance to Win an Incredible Catio!

Our largest annual fundraiser, Walk for the Kitties, was an outstanding success, and we owe it all to the incredible support and contributions from our generous sponsors, dedicated volunteers, and passionate supporters. As we reflect on this memorable event, we invite you to continue supporting our cause by helping us reach our fundraising goal of $100,000. We are also thrilled to announce an upcoming auction on Facebook where you can bid on a stunning catio donated by CatiOasis, valued at $3,500!

On a beautiful sunny day last Sunday, June 4th, hundreds of supporters gathered at Jericho Beach Park, walking in solidarity to support VOKRA's mission. The atmosphere was filled with warmth, compassion, and a shared love for cat welfare. We are immensely grateful for the overwhelming support and incredible turnout that made this event truly unforgettable.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our presenting sponsor, FirstMate, and our silver sponsors, Happy Cat Feline Essentials and Naturally Urban. Their unwavering support and contributions were instrumental in the success of the event, leaving a lasting impact on the lives of the cats we care for. Thank you to Great West Graphics, our valued bronze sponsor, for their incredible generosity in helping us print the t-shirts worn by our enthusiastic participants. 

A special thank you to Canadian Olympian and this year's walk ambassador Natasha Wodak, for leading our walk with inspiration and for being this year's top fundraiser! It seems her competitive spirit isn't just reserved for the track! 

We are thrilled to announce an exclusive auction taking place on our Facebook page from June 13th to 27th. Thanks to the generous donation by CatiOasis, you have the chance to bid on an incredible catio valued at $3,500! By participating in the auction, not only do you stand a chance to win this incredible prize that will make your kitties ecstatic, but you will also directly support VOKRA's mission. Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference!

We would also like to express our gratitude to Herbaland for providing the cutest swag bags and delicious gummies in their 100% compostable pouches. Their contribution added an extra touch of cheer to the event, much to the delight of all participants. Additionally, we extend our appreciation to JJ Bean Coffee and Zimt Chocolates for keeping us energized throughout the day. We also want to thank Paige Jung and Nicole Larsen for their exceptional work in designing the artist collaboration t-shirts, which will soon be available for purchase online. We would like to express our appreciation to CatCouver for their cat sitting and cat care services, as well as their generous donation to VOKRA. The support of Kooky Kat Catnip Company, with their catnip treats and donation of a portion of their sales, has also been invaluable. A special thanks goes to VarietyFoods for their contribution of RiceUP! Chips, adding to the delightful offerings at the event, and brEAThe Kitchen for providing a delicious coupon to all walk participants! 

Last but certainly not least, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our amazing and dedicated volunteers and supporters. Your unwavering commitment and tireless efforts have played a vital role in making this event a resounding success. We could not have achieved this without your continuous support and belief in our mission. Your contributions are changing the lives of cats in need.

As we celebrate the success of the Walk for the Kitties 2023, we invite you to join us in continuing the fundraising journey by making a donation and supporting VOKRA until June 30th. Additionally, mark your calendars for the upcoming auction on our Facebook page, where you have a chance to bid on a magnificent catio donated by CatiOasis. Together, let's make a lasting impact on the lives of cats and work towards a better future for them. Thank you all for your incredible support and dedication to VOKRA's mission.

Dave Johnson